Help Center

Phone Calls

Written by Marcel Goya

Updated May 7, 2024

Making phone calls with LinguSocial is a great way of communicating with your contacts. Let's go over some commonly asked questions about phone calls.

Can I call emergency phone numbers?

Unfortunately we do not support making phone calls to emergency phone numbers in any country. 

How do I dial an extension during a call?

To dial an extension number during a call, or to enter a number or character such as # (hash) on an automated phone system:

  • During a call, select the dialpad button
  • Use the dialpad to dial the extension number or characters

How do I dial an international number?

To dial an international number:

  • Sign in to LinguSocial and select the dialpad button on the left side menu
  • LinguSocial will automatically display your current country and the relevant calling rates
  • Select the country name above the dialpad, then select the country you need to make a call to from the drop-down list
  • Enter the number you want to call
  • Select the Call button.

Note: You can also enter a country code manually. To dial a country code, for example +44, click and hold the 0 + button for two seconds on the LinguSocial dialpad, then release; the + symbol appears in the Enter number box.

How do I use a Bluetooth device?

To use LinguSocial with a Bluetooth device (such as a wireless headset):

  • Turn on your Bluetooth device to make it discoverable
  • Pair your Bluetooth device with your computer
  • Open the app
  • Open the dialer
  • Click on the Select Devices button
  • Select your headset

Note: If your Bluetooth headset gets disconnected during a LinguSocial call, audio for the call will revert to your default audio device.

What number will the person I am calling see if I call from LinguSocial?

If you are calling a mobile or landline, one of our phone numbers will be displayed to the person that you are calling. We do not offer the possibility for you to use your phone number.