Help Center

Video & Audio Meetings

Written by Marcel Goya

Updated May 7, 2024

Let's go over some common LinguSocial Meetings questions. Below are some of the  questions  other users asked us about how to use LinguSocial Meetings.


Is there a Meeting time limit?

Yes, and it varies depending on your plan. LinguSocial Pay-As-You-Go and Basic planrestricts Users to 2 hour meetings. The LinguSocial Pro and Business plan offers a maximum meeting length of 4 hours

Is there a daily Meeting limit?

Nope! You can hold as many meetings as you would like.

What's the maximum number of Meeting participants?

It is currently limited to two participants. We are going to introduce team meetings in the near future.

Can I use keyboard shortcuts in my Meetings?

Not for now, but it will be added over the next releases.

Are my Meetings secure?

Absolutely! With LinguSocial, your online meetings and data are protected by our secure transcription platform and robust privacy and encryption features. You can read more about how we secure our platform in the following help article.

Public Meetings

What if someone in my contacts joins, but is not logged in?

If someone from your  contacts  joins your meeting as guest, they will be noted as an external participant After the meeting, the meeting won't show up in your conversation history of your contact but instead inside of the public channel.


Can I send images in the chatbox?

Yes! Just drag the image in or click the "attach image" icon on the chat box and select the image you'd like to upload. From there, you’ll just need to hit send!

There's a bit of a lag when I send an image in the chat. Is something wrong?

Images won't send until they're fully uploaded. Allow some time for the image to upload and it'll send!

What image file formats are supported?

You can upload one image at a time with an individual limit of 10 MB in the chat. Right now, we support PNG, JPEG, GIF, and WEBP files.

Will images be accessible from the chat logs?

Images are accessible inside your meeting details when opened from the conversation history. Unfortunately they won't be visible inside of the transcript editor.

Picture-in-Picture (PIP)

Why don't I see the names of the participants when I'm using Picture-In-Picture?

PIP directly streams videos as it is. It won’t show the name of the participants or indicate who the presenter is.

Should I share my full screen or just part of it?

We recommend not sharing your entire screen when using screen sharing and PIP. That will make the Picture-in-Picture screen visible during the recording, which may not be the best experience for the viewers.

Can I use the browser controls to access PIP sharing?

We don't recommend it. When accessed through the browser controls, some features will be distorted.

Screen Sharing

Can I still access meeting controls while sharing my screen?

Yes, you can return to the active meeting and access meeting controls as usual.

Who can end a screen share?

Organizers can end all screen shares.

Participants can only end screen shares they started.

Is a LinguSocial Meetings account required?

No, all Participants can share their screens.

Which web browsers can I use for this feature?

Please review this Help Center article to learn which web browsers are supported by LinguSocial Meetings.

Is the screen share stored?

Screen shares are encrypted both in transit and at rest from the time you start it until it ends. None of the information you display is accessible to anyone other than the Organizer and Participants viewing the screen share through a conference URL. LinguSocial Meetings does not retain a screen share and its data after the screen share ends.

I upgraded to macOS Catalina or later — why isn't screen share working?

You'll need to go into your computer's security and privacy settings and grant Google Chrome access to Screen Recording in order to use LinguSocial Meetings' screen share feature.

Virtual backgrounds

What platforms support virtual backgrounds?

Chrome 94 and above only

When I use virtual backgrounds, the CPU shoots up, how can I resolve it?

Virtual background is a CPU-heavy feature. Depending on the machine you’re using, the CPU may shoot up. Here are different ways to debug it:

  • Ensure that no CPU heavy applications are open
  • Close unused tabs from your browser

If the issue isn’t resolved, then it’s best to disable virtual backgrounds.

My video flickers and sometimes has a green tint. What should I do?

This is a known issue in Google Chrome for Windows machines. Please ensure you are using the latest version of Google Chrome.

Why have my virtual backgrounds stopped working?

Due to an issue with Google Chrome v116, the virtual backgrounds feature may not work as expected. Fortunately, it's an easy fix! 

  • Update Google Chrome to the latest version. 
  • Restart your machine

If the issue persists, avoid using a virtual background. This issue will be fixed by Google Chrome v117.

Why is my camera stream flipped, or upside-down?

Due to an issue with Google Chrome v116, the virtual background camera stream may appear upside-down or flipped. Fortunately, this is an easy fix!

  • Update Google Chrome to the latest version
  • Restart your machine

If the issue persists, avoid using a virtual background. This issue will be fixed by Google Chrome v117.