Help Center

Version history

Written by Marcel Goya

Updated May 7, 2024

Did you mistakenly edit or delete something you shouldn't have? We understand, it happens to the best of us.

What is the 'Version History'?

When you use our Transcript Editor, your file is automatically saved as you change it every few seconds. In addition, as an additional security measure, we save the different versions of the transcript for you, just in case.

Where can I find it?

  • Open the editor and click on the Version History button on the top menu
  • There you will see a list of of your different versions
  • Previewing and Restoring versions

Once you open the Version History you'll be presented with the following page:

To preview a version simply click on the Preview button. An editor will open to show that version. Be careful, as the changes that you make won't be changed, because it's on preview mode. Once you know which version you want to restore, simply click the button Restore. This will generate a new transcript document which is the restored version. We create a new document for you because we do not want to overwrite your current version.