Help Center

Manage Speakers

Written by Marcel Goya

Updated May 7, 2024

A speaker is a label in the transcript that distinguishes speech in your recorded media. Speakers:

  • are useful for assuring proper organization of your transcript among multiple speakers
  • will be copied along with the media they are associated with as you publish and export your transcript

Adding a speaker

  • Click in the transcript where you want to add a speaker label.
  • At the top of your transcript, select Change Speaker
  • Choose or create a speaker; you can:
  • Create a New speaker: Type their name and select Create speaker 'name'
  • Use an Existing Label: Select from your previously added speaker labels.

Changing a speaker

If you want to change an existing speaker label in your transcript:

  • At the top of your transcript, select Change Speaker
  • Select a speaker or create a new one

Renaming a speaker

  • To correct the spelling of a speaker in your transcript:
  • Click any instance of the speaker you would like to rename
  • Start typing the exact name of the new speaker you would like to change it to
  • In the dropdown menu that appears, click the option "Rename (old speaker) to (new speaker) everywhere"