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Real-Time Collaboration

Written by Marcel Goya

Updated May 7, 2024

Collaborating on LinguSocial tranacripts works the same as many other cloud-based text documents. You will be able to see other users edit text and mark-up the transcript using the following tools:

Transcript Editor

Highlight: Lets you mark a selection of text in up to five colors. Helping to note memorable moments, section out your transcript and easily pull quotes into new Stories

Text Formatting: Lets you modify the appearance of certain parts of your transcript

Comments: Helps you make notes while reviewing your transcript and also lets you tag collaborators for feedback and sign off on content

AI Summary

Overview: In a few paragraphs, get a gist of the transcript. It's perfect for those who don't have the time to read through a long, detailed summary.

Outline: The tool also provides a transcript outline with timestamps, so you can go back and reference specific points in the transcript. Just click on the timestamp, and you'll be taken directly to that point in the recording and the transcript.

Bullet-Point Notes: LinguSocial takes all those lengthy transcript notes and condenses them into bite-sized, actionable bullet points.

Action Items: Can't remember who you assigned what tasks to during a meeting? LinguSocial has your back—it can quickly identify and summarize all the action items you assigned to participants, so you can focus on what matters most: getting things done.

Keywords: Our tool automatically identifies and lists the most important keywords discussed during the transcript. This makes it easy to quickly scan and find the key takeaways without reading the entire summary.