Help Center

Purchase additional Transcription Hours

Written by Marcel Goya

Updated May 6, 2024

Each month, you are able to automatically transcribe a certain amount of hours based on your plan. There are a few different ways you can increase your monthly limit, each tailored to your workflow. This article will discuss the different ways you can add monthly transcription time to your plan.

Viewing your available transcription hours

You can view your subscription from your account settings. Each LinguSocial plan comes with a base amount of monthly transcription hours. See the pricing page for more information.

Ways to increase your transcription limit

1. Upgrade your plan
If you would like to increase your monthly transcription hours, consider upgrading your  subscription to a Pro (4 hours per month) or Business plan (8 hours per month). Upgrading your subscription will also give you access to additional features and increased limits.

2. Purchase a one-time top-up
You can purchase additional hours of transcription time. This can be helpful when you have a backlog of content coming through the pipeline.  Depending on what plan you are on, you will get them at discounted rates. If you want to purchase them, simply open the Subscription Management dialog from inside your account settings and click on the Buy Hours button next to the Transcription Hours line.

Does unused transcription time roll over?

Transcription minute top-ups, phone call interpreter minute top-ups and calling credits  roll over. Monthly and annual plan minutes don't roll over. For example, if you're on the Pro plan with 4 hours/month and purchase 2 extra hours to your monthly limit, you'll start each billing cycle with 6 transcription hours.